JXSC Mineral

Troubleshooting And Replacement of Vibrating Screen

In the dynamic world of industrial processes, efficiency is the heartbeat of success. In the sand and gravel-producing process, the efficiency of the vibrating screen performance a key role. The vibrating screen is a robust workhorse designed to sieve, sort, and separate granular materials. However, like any mechanical marvel, the vibrating screen is not immune to hiccups. From erratic vibrations to unexplained noises, troubleshooting issues that can impede its operation is critical. In this article, we embark on a journey to understand the art of identifying, diagnosing, and addressing these malfunctions while considering the potential necessity of the ultimate solution: replacement.

Reasons for The Slow Feeding Speed of The Vibrating Screen

Factors Affecting Screening Efficiency of Vibrating Screen

Many factors affect the feeding speed of the vibrating screen, such as material properties, motion parameters, equipment performance, and daily operation and management. So what are the main factors?

1. Material properties

The material properties are mainly reflected in the material particle size, moisture content, mud content, and shape.

  • Material particle size
    The impact on the efficiency of the vibrating screen is mainly reflected in the composition of different sieve particles and different screening efficiencies—the more easy sieves, the better the screening efficiency.
  • Moisture of the material
    The moisture of the material is mainly divided into three types: bound water, adsorbed water, and external water. The screening efficiency of the vibrating screen can be improved by increasing the mesh size of the material with high moisture content during screening.
  • Clay content
    Refers to the clay minerals contained in the material. When there are many such components, the screening process will be complex. Clay minerals are easy to block in the sieve, and removing them is difficult to remove after it is blocked. We can improve the screening efficiency by spraying water on the material moving along the screen surface or de-powdering or de-sliming before screening.

2. Motion parameters

The motion parameters mainly include the inclination angle of the screen surface, the vibration direction angle, and the amplitude and vibration frequency of the screen surface. These are all related to the design of the device itself.

  • There are professional parameter requirements for the inclination angle of the screen surface. Generally, the larger the inclination angle, the higher the processing capacity, but the lower the screening efficiency, and vice versa.
  • Vibration direction angle Most linear vibrating screens adopt 30°, 45°, and 60° vibration direction angles.
vibrating screen

Causes And Solutions of Vibrating Screen Bearing Wear

How Does The Vibrating Screen Work? 

Before understanding why our vibrating screen bearings wear out, let’s take a look at how our vibrating screens work. The vibration of the vibrating screen mainly depends on the exciter. Through the excitation of the vibrator, the upper rotating weight of the vibrator causes the screen surface to generate plane circular vibration. In contrast, the lower rotating weight causes the screen surface to generate conical rotary vibration. As a result, the screen surface produces vice-rotary vibration.

Causes of Vibrating Screen Bearing Wear

Vibrating screen bearing wear will lead to short bearing life, bearing heating, bearing burning, and other phenomena. So what are the causes of bearing wear? The wear of the vibrating screen bearing is mainly because the radial clearance between the crankshaft journal and the bearing becomes smaller during the excitation process. Once the gap between the crankshaft journal and the bearing becomes smaller, it will cause early wear and damage to the journal and the shaft, increasing the vibration and noise of the circular vibrating screen.


The Solution to Vibrating Screen Bearing Wear

  1. Oxyacetylene is used for surface baking oil treatment.
  2. Use the ratchet wheel to polish the surface and remove high points.
  3. Measure the shaft’s diameter, and ensure that the shaft’s reference plane is not worn.
  4. Carry out empty test tooling to ensure that the tooling is suitable.
  5. Clean the surface with absolute ethanol to ensure the surface is clean.
  6. Clamp the tooling to ensure that the tooling is installed in place without gaps on the joint surface.

The vibrating screen, a true cornerstone of material processing, embodies both the science of efficiency and the art of precision. We have unveiled the secrets to maintaining its optimal performance by exploring troubleshooting techniques. Every challenge encountered and resolved is a testament to industry professionals’ resilience and technology’s evolution. However, when the road of repairs becomes a labyrinth of complexity, replacing the screen is a nod to the future – a future where productivity and innovation intertwine seamlessly.

Vibrating Screen Replacement

Although the vibrating screen is less effective than the crusher and sand-making machine in the sand and gravel production line, it is also indispensable. The working efficiency of the vibrating screen directly affects our production effect. Another problem that often occurs during the operation of the vibrating screen is the damage of the vibrating screen. So how do we replace the screen when it is damaged?

Main Structure of Linear Vibrating Screen

The structure of the linear vibrating screen mainly includes a screen, box, support, vibration motor and vibration body, and vibration isolation spring.

Double vibrating motors drive the linear vibrating screen, and the double motors move synchronously so that the materials move linearly on the screen surface under exciting force and self-gravity to achieve the purpose of screening and grading.

Features of Linear Vibrating Screen

  1. The linear vibrating screen has multi-layer screens, which can meet the requirements of different discharge specifications.
  2. Large production capacity and high production efficiency.
  3. Low noise, fully enclosed structure, no dust pollution.
  4. Simple operation and convenient maintenance.

How to Replace The Vibrating Screen?

  1. The first step is opening the dust cover and removing the screen frame.
  2. The second step is to remove the bead at the contact between the screen frame and the screen body.
  3. The third step is to spread the mother mesh around the screen frame and fix it with nails. Place 2-3 rubber balls in each grid in the ball grid, and then flatten the screen and nail it.
  4. The fourth step is to place the nailed screen frame in the box according to the practical screen from fine to coarse. And press it with a weight, then tighten the compression bolts to make the screen frame and the box fit tightly.
  5. In the fifth step, turn on the machine, stop it, and tighten the screws.
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